No perfect relationship? Rebuilding Love After Emotional Damage - Bonus Tips About Life & Overcoming Fear
No perfect relationship ? Rebuilding love after emotional damage
When a relationship ends, there are often unspoken words and unanswered questions. You can resolve these issues and allow yourself to move on and let go of the past by using this technique. This technique can also be used on those who have passed away.
đŸ‘‰RELATED : You Can Sign up For His secret obsession program written by relationship expert James Bauer, based on over 12 years worth of research and experience. It shows women how to tap into a powerful life-long desire all men share, and harness it to transform the way men experience them.
How to deal with someone who hurt you emotionally
- Sit in a quiet area where you will not be disturbed. Ideally, there should be an empty chair or seat opposite you. For a moment, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to relax and let go.
- Imagine that when you open your eyes, you can see the person with whom you have unfinished business sitting opposite you. All you have to do is pretend they're there, so if you're having trouble visualizing, just pretend.
- Say whatever is on your mind, whatever you want to get off your chest to the person. If you want to resolve a situation, such as the breakdown of a relationship, then talk about it.
- When you're finished, you might want to hear back from them. If that's the case, go sit in the other chair and pretend you're them responding. When you do, keep your mind on what was said and allow the answer to flow. Remember that consciously saying what you want to hear rather than what you really hear is only cheating yourself, not anyone else.
- Sit back in your original chair once they've finished speaking. Continue the conversation by moving from chair to chair, assuming the other person's persona when in their chair, until the conversation is over. Then, before proceeding, return to your original chair and thank them for their time.
This technique is extremely beneficial for releasing pain, guilt, and hurt from any type of relationship, not just romantic relationships. When using this technique, you will frequently be surprised by the responses you receive from the other person.
đŸ‘‰RELATED : You Can Sign up For His secret obsession program written by relationship expert James Bauer, based on over 12 years worth of research and experience. It shows women how to tap into a powerful life-long desire all men share, and harness it to transform the way men experience them.
How To Make A Beautiful Life For Yourself
It's A Beautiful Life
It is so simple and easy to get what we want that we find it difficult to believe. To get what we want, we are programmed to do things the hard and difficult way. We can't believe we can get anything without putting in the effort, sweat and tears, overcoming obstacles and suffering.
This is nothing more than old-school programming, conditioning from our childhood. If you're anything like me, you were bombarded as a child with expressions from adults about how difficult life is and how we have to work hard to get what we want.
We were subjected to a perilous universe or a God of vengeance who could pick us out for no reason other than to exact vengeance on us for something we did wrong. We needed to avoid doing anything bad or wrong, but disease could still strike us. "It's again a good one who is punished, and the bad one gets away easily as usual without paying anything!" they would say at times. We discovered that life was not fair. We lived in fear, believing that life was a valley of tears, struggle, pain, disease, and death.
What would have happened if they had told us the truth? The whole truth and nothing but the truth? That is a wonderful, easy life. That miracles happen all the time and that we have the ability to create them in our own lives! The universe adores us. That there is enough money and health for everyone. That we do not live in a world of scarcity, but rather one of abundance. That all we have to do is think the right thoughts to make our dreams come true.
What kind of life would you have had if your parents and teachers had taught you the truth?
You'd have suffered a lot less! You would never have thought you were less than nothing. You would not have been filled with dread at the prospect of becoming ill or failing, of being stupid or not being good enough.
What would your life be like if you knew from the start that you were a creation of the Creator, that you will always be there, that you were created for a reason, and that when you find that reason, you will be happy? If you were told you have talents, unique qualities that make you a special person, and that you are on earth with the mission to share these talents with others, where would you be and what would you be doing right now?
Isn't it lovely? The genius who created this entire thing did an excellent job: we are sent to Earth with a mission, and in order to carry out that mission, we are already fully equipped from the start: we are gifted with natural talents, and all we have to do is develop and offer those talents to the world! Simply put, we must do what we are already good at and what we are talented at, and then happiness, satisfaction, love, money, and everything else will come our way!
Isn't it beautiful? We are sent to Earth with a mission, and in order to carry out that mission, we are already fully equipped from the start: we are gifted with natural talents, and all we have to do is develop and offer those talents to the world! Simply put, we must do what we are already good at and talented at, and happiness, fulfillment, love, money, and everything else will follow!
We are already fantastic! We're already adored! We are already wealthy! We are already liberated! We already have intelligence! We are already in good health!
Why? Because we were all of these things before we began our lives. It's how we really are. It is how we were created, how we were born. This is the reality of who we are. Everything else must be "learned" later.
The good news is that anything learned can be reversed. Every program can be changed and replaced by a new program.
And, once again, life is wonderful because a positive thought is 10,000 times more powerful than a negative thought. So you don't have to wait another 40 years to undo the negative conditioning in your head. One positive thought can cancel out 10,000 negative ones.
Can you picture it? Aren't we fortunate?
If you choose to, you can quickly reverse your negative mental program. Go to a bookstore and buy some books with positive messages. Place them in every toilet in the house, the bathroom, your bedroom, and your living room, and read them whenever you think of them or see them. It makes no difference whether you read one page after another or simply open the book as it falls into your hands. The message you will receive will be the most appropriate for you at that time.
A Beautiful Life
Every morning, you begin your day by thanking the Universe for your bed, your house, the roof over your head, the people who live with you, the water coming out of your tap, the light turning on with a simple gesture of your hand, the food available, the choices you have that day, the love you have received and will receive, the miracles that will occur today, and the air you can breathe.
Listen to positive programming on CDs or cassettes in your car. Listen to them while you're cooking dinner, cleaning the house, or ironing your clothes.
Stop nourishing negative social talk by surrounding yourself with positive people. Unless there is a particularly upbeat program on television, avoid watching it.
There is a lot you can do to change your life for the better. Don't think you're powerless. You are now in charge of your own life. Make your decision! Recognize that every thought you have has the potential to either weaken or strengthen you.
How To Remove Fear From Mind And Heart
If you ask most people why they haven't achieved their goals or achieved the level of success they desire, they'll usually respond with a built-in excuse (negative belief) that's holding them back. A fear or worry is usually at the root of this excuse or negative belief. How many times have you tried something new only to abandon it before you even got started because you were afraid of what others would think? Or do you believe you don't have the time, money, or both? Or is it because you believe you are inexperienced or lack the necessary knowledge to succeed?
F.E.A.R. stands for False Evidence Appearing Real, which means we have chosen to believe in something that is not true. But it is our reality because it is our belief. Worry is nothing more than a persistent fear brought on by indecision. Sometimes we have to ask tough questions to get to the bottom of our worries or fears. Once the source of the fear has been identified, a simple formula can be used to overcome it.
How Train Your Brain To Stop The Fear Response
The first step is to define exactly what you are afraid of or concerned about. Make a note of it. Put it down on paper. Half of your worries and fears will be alleviated the moment you define them clearly on paper. What seemed significant in your mind will appear small and insignificant on paper.
Step two is required for the remaining half. Ask yourself, "What is the worst that could happen if this fear or worry comes true?" Make a list, yes, write it down on paper beneath your well-defined concern. Continue to jot down everything that comes to mind until you've identified the worst-case scenario. Do you realize that 90% of what we worry about never occurs? Consider how much time you waste worrying about things that will never happen. This list will assist you in seeing that.
Once you've finished your list, make a mental decision to accept the worst-case scenario. Recognize that you will survive because 90% of those things will never happen and the other 10% will not kill you. Accept the worst-case scenario by telling yourself, over and over, "I can handle it." Things will begin to improve as a result of this.
When you've completed your list, make a mental decision to accept the worst-case scenario. Recognize that you will survive because 90% of those events will never occur, and the remaining 10% will not kill you. Accept the worst-case scenario by telling yourself, "I can handle it," over and over. As a result of this, things will start to improve.
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đŸ‘‰RELATED : You Can Sign up For His secret obsession program written by relationship expert James Bauer, based on over 12 years worth of research and experience. It shows women how to tap into a powerful life-long desire all men share, and harness it to transform the way men experience them.
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