How To Grief The Loss Of A Parent Have you ever experienced the death of someone close to you? We go through a grieving process best described by Elizabeth Kublar-Ross in her book On Death and Dying. In it, she discusses the five stages of human development: denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance. The dying, as well as those who love them, go through these stages, though rarely all at once, and they are unpredictable. You may believe you are in the anger phase, then move on to depression, and then back to denial. There is no rhyme or reason—only what feels right at the time for each individual. Nobody knows how long a phase will last. If you are grieving and someone well-meaning suggests that you shouldn't be feeling the way you are, thank them for their concern but know that you are exactly where you need to be. However, when dealing with grief ( Grief Loss Of Parent) , you may become aware of something that does not feel right. "I should ...