How Do Binaural Beats Work
How Do Binaural Beats Work This article is intended to provide you with some information about the relatively new technology of Binaural Beats. Binaural Beats are specific frequencies that, when combined with the most recent advances in sound technology, can transport you into a profoundly deep state of meditation in minutes. They employ a unique audio mixing technique that alters the listener's brain wave activity. These beats can be used to create Alpha, Theta, and Delta brainwave patterns by sitting or lying down in a quiet environment and wearing headphones. When brainwave patterns change, there is also a change in chemical reactions within the body, which can have a significant impact on your entire physical structure. In effect, these beats have the same impact and benefits as hypnologic trance or transcendental meditation. Now, only a few people are capable of entering such deep states of hypnosis, and transcendental meditation takes a lifetime to master. As a result, the ...