How To Activate Subconscious Mind - Subconscious Mind Exercises
How To Activate Subconscious Mind
According to scientists, we only use 10% of our brains. Consider what I just said. We only use 10% of our brains! We're squandering the other 90%. Consider this: what if we only used 10% of our earnings? Could we get by on 10% of our salary? Unless you're Bill Gates. What about eating only 10% of the food we produce? Isn't that a waste of food? What if we only slept 10% of the time, or 80 minutes per day? Could we make it? What if we only had ten percent of the available oxygen? Could we make it? All of these questions have a resounding NO!
So, why do we put up with only using 10% of our brain? Examine your life. Do you have the life you want...on your terms? Are you satisfied with what you've created, or do you believe it could be improved? It's likely that you're only using 10% of your potential. What if you could improve your life by 100, 500, or 1,000 percent? I can already hear you saying, "That's impossible" or "that's too difficult to do." If you said that, you're repeating the same pattern in your life, which is that you're only using 10% of your brain or less.
If you're content with only using 10% of your brain, stop reading right now. Continue reading if you're not satisfied and want to be able to use the rest of it. Consider the greatness you can achieve if you use your entire mind. There have been many great teachers of how to use one's mind, including Napoleon Hill, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Maxwell Maltz, and many others. These men understood the secret to harnessing the power of the mind and how to use it.
I'm here to tell you that you now have the most powerful tool in the Universe....your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND. Your subconscious mind is aware of everything. If you use it correctly, it has all the answers. It has the potential to lead you to a life of harmony, wealth, health, joy, and success! This is true in all aspects of your life.
This isn't your fault. You were never taught how to think. The past is gone, and today can be a new beginning. It makes no difference what happened before today; what matters is what happens after today. You must have faith in your subconscious mind and know that it can help you live a happy and successful life.
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Let us begin with a very simple procedure. As an alarm clock, use your subconscious mind. Tell it what time you want to wake up before you go to bed. Assume you want to get up at 7:00 a.m. Before going to bed, tell your subconscious mind to "wake me up at 7:00am," and visualize a clock that reads that time.
Making impressions on your subconscious mind is the first step in changing your life. You can do this by saying affirmations and thinking specific thoughts. Let's say you want to attract money into your life. Simply repeat the phrase "I am wealth and success." Repeat these words several times throughout the day. It's best to say them first thing in the morning and again before going to bed. This is the state of your mind when it is in alpha. When you say them, make sure you truly mean them and concentrate on the words. It will not benefit you if you regard it as a chore. They can also be said while meditating.
This can be used for anything. Make certain that the affirmations are positive and not negative. If you want to quit smoking, don't say, "I don't smoke." Instead, say, "My lungs are clean and healthy, and I don't smoke." "I am" and "I am not" are two of the most powerful words in English.
It's also critical to think positively; don't tell yourself, "I'm just never lucky" or "I'm just meant to be poor." Consider the inverse: "I am fortunate" or "things always work out in my favor," and I am wealthy and successful." If you have difficulty believing yourself when you say them, change them to make them more credible. You can begin small or declare, "I am becoming wealthy."
If you need assistance with a problem or are in a situation where you must make a difficult decision and are unsure which is best for you. Request assistance from your subconscious mind. Assume you are considering two different job offers and are having difficulty deciding between them. By asking, you can elicit assistance from your subconscious mind. You could say something like, "Infinite wisdom of my subconscious mind, I ask for your assistance in determining what is best between these two job offers, I ask for your assistance and guidance in making the best decision for me."
Stay silent and pay attention to your subconscious mind. Close your eyes if necessary, and don't force anything to come to you; instead, simply be still and listen. It's fine if the answer doesn't come right away. It's probably looking for an answer, which may take some time. But, rest assured, the answer will be forthcoming....perhaps the next day or the next week.
All you need to do is stay alert and keep your antennas up. The answer could come from somewhere else, perhaps after you wake up. You may have a clear idea of what to do. You might read or hear something that will help you decide what to do. You might get your answer by running into a friend, who might say something that will help you decide. Just be patient and don't get frustrated or overthink it. You are delaying the arrival of the answer form by doing so.
How To Find Peace Of Mind And Happiness
A thought is a form of energy. Energy is always looking for a way to manifest itself. It is not possible to store or block energy. It'll get out eventually. If you do something to stop the flow of your energy, it will find another way to express itself. If you do not follow your own energy, your intuition, if you swim against the current of your own flow, energy will manifest as sickness, tiredness, depression, skin diseases, temper tantrums, aggression, and other unpleasant things.
So why not take the path that your energy leads you down? This is your path, your path!
Do you remember the song "I did it my way?" You will feel the energy if you do things your way, if you dare to be yourself. Your energy will be stuck as long as you try to be someone else to please your parents, peers, husband, wife, boss, children, neighbors, or whomever.
Okay, you say, but won't taking my own path make me selfish, an outlaw, and a social disaster? No! You will evolve into yourself. That is freedom: the ability to be oneself.
Consider the world to be a large wardrobe. Everyone has his or her own costume. There is only one that is ideal for you. You'll be walking around in a costume that's either too small or too big for you as long as you try to be someone else. You don't feel at ease in it. And what else is it that you "borrowed" someone else's costume? That means you're not in the right place at the right time with the right people! You dressed up in someone else's place, in someone else's costume!
How can you tell if you're in the right place, doing the right thing, and with the right people? There is a very simple criterion for determining this: the questions stop in your head! This torturous spinning machine in your head that has been torturing you for years has simply stopped on its own! You can feel it: you feel good, everything is "right," your talents are sought after, and it gives you great pleasure to share them with those around you. Everything falls into place when he is in charge. Questions fade away, making way for peace.
As long as you torture yourself with these questions, it means you haven't found your true calling on Earth. You're doing something that someone else should be doing. And your "job" is being done by someone else who is also not in the right place! See what I mean? It's like a puzzle: if everyone is in his or her right place doing what he or she does best, everyone will be at peace, full of energy and health, and wealthy.
Go find your proper location. When you stop being harassed by questions and feel your energy flowing through your veins, you know you've arrived! You're on your own path, the path to freedom. This IS liberty!
Look for it and seize it!
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