How To Deal With Being Dumped Or Rejected By Your Crush Hurricanes are the worst. Even if they don't get to you, they still pose a threat to your security. We are a little more brave this year after surviving Mother Nature's attack last year. It's not much, but it's something. I'd like to meet the individual who irritated her (Mother Nature). She not only avenges herself, but she does so with a vengeance. That's like a mash-up of PMS and Menopause. So, if you're going through PMS or Menopause and have no idea what you're getting yourself into, imagine hurricane. It has the ability to turn on you in a split second and destroy you. Oh, and it goes by many names, too, including bitch, nag, crazy, nuts, obnoxious, feminine, insane, messed up, hallucinating, on drugs, stupid bitch, mentally challenged, and that's just a few.