Extraordinary Weight Loss Mindset Lose Weight Fast With These Improved Simple Steps
Extraordinary Weight Loss Mindset Lose Weight Fast With These Improved Simple Steps
Weight Loss Mindset
Every day, you have thousands of thoughts. You converse with yourself more than anyone else. You are your most trusted confidant and advisor. Many of the conversations you have with yourself are ones you would never share with anyone else because they would reveal the "true" you. The you who is plagued by self-doubt, anxiety, sadness, guilt, hurts, and disappointments.
But this is not the "real you." This is the version of you that your ego and belief systems have created. These negative beliefs were created by you and accepted as truth by you. The unfortunate reality is that nothing could be further from the truth.
Where did these misconceptions about you come from? They were mostly provided by others, such as parents, teachers, coworkers, and friends. They may have planted the seed by saying something like "she's fat," and you may have cultivated those remarks to the point where they have become your truth.
You are allowing some obscure comments made years ago to control your entire life. Nobody has the authority or power to tell you who you are. Only you know who you really are and what's going on in your heart.
You entered this world without the burdens of your current negative belief system when you were born. You came into this world as a beautiful bundle of joy, full of limitless potential and possibilities.
I'm here to tell you that you haven't changed at all. You are, and always will be, a beautiful bundle of joy with limitless potential and possibilities.
The only distinction is in what you focus your attention on. Allow me to ask you a question. If you stopped all of the negative self-talk you're currently engaging in, such as:
- I'm too fat
- Who would want to love me
- I'll never be thin because I always fail.
And the list could go on and on... What would your reaction be? Do you think you'd feel emotionally lighter as a result? Do you believe you would be happier? Do you believe you would feel more confident?
How do you think your life would change if you took it a step further and changed your self-talk to only speak positively about yourself? If you take some time and focus solely on what you like about yourself, your emotional state will improve to the point where you will be able to accomplish anything.
When you start looking for the positive aspects of yourself, you will be surprised to discover that your magnificence has always existed just beneath the surface. You've never been anything other than that bright bundle of joy who came into the world years ago. By asking some questions, you can easily uncover positive aspects of yourself.
- What do I excel at?
- Who has benefited from my presence in the world?
- Who am I, and what do I carry in my heart that only I know?
- What do I appreciate about my body?
Your objective is to feel good right now. How do you feel right now? You will feel good and happy if you only pay attention to what you believe is positive about yourself. Make a decision right now about how you want to feel. Decide that you will always look for and appreciate the good in yourself.
So, what does all of this have to do with weight loss? Everything!!! The control valve that determines what you draw into your experience is your emotional state. Your self-talk shapes your beliefs and programs your subconscious. So you must decide whether you want your beliefs and subconscious programming to be based on false negative thinking. Or do you want your beliefs to be founded on the fact that you are and have always been a perfect being?
Begin loving and nurturing yourself today. Allow the natural joy, playfulness, and enthusiasm you had as a child to begin to permeate your daily experiences. Allow yourself to rejoice in each and every accomplishment, no matter how minor. Every chance you get, love and appreciate yourself. Do this every day and watch your weight start to melt away, just as your old negative beliefs about yourself start to fade.
Free Hypnosis For Weight Loss
People have used hypnotherapy for decades to help them with everything from unearthing and resolving hidden issues from their past to severe behavior modification. Hypnotherapy has been used successfully to help people quit smoking, improve their self-esteem, and learn new subjects and skills. It's no surprise that people are turning to hypnosis to help them lose weight.
Is it effective? For some people. The power of suggestion is used by hypnosis to work on the unconscious mind, and the effectiveness with which a person can be hypnotized depends on how receptive the subject is to the experience. In other words, hypnosis works best for people who approach it with a "open mind."
How does hypnosis aid in weight loss? It works in the same way that it does for any other behavior modification by focusing on your habits. It is one's habits that cause excessive weight gain and obesity, and it is a change in those habits, replacing old "bad" ones with new "good," that produces long-term changes.
To create new, desirable, and sustainable habits, you must dismantle all of your old associations with yourself, your weight, your appearance, food and eating, exercise, and so on, and replace them with new, positive, and desirable associations. This is where hypnosis can be extremely beneficial.
In a hypnotic state, you can more easily overcome the subconscious barriers that stymie your weight loss efforts. Most people are well aware that proper diet and exercise are the best ways to lose weight, but so many are powerless to do what they "should" be doing.
What causes this is usually an unconscious association from our past that we've developed in our daily lives. These associations become so ingrained in us that we rarely think about them, let alone question them. When we remove our conscious mind from the equation, we can more easily access and reprogram those deeply embedded assumptions.
A person who is constantly struggling with diet and exercise programs, jumping from one to the next as each proves increasingly ineffective, is most likely unconsciously resisting their own goals. As long as this condition persists, any attempt at weight loss by this person will be equally futile.
Losing weight is a mental state. To lose weight, a person must be willing to lose weight – not just willing to diet and exercise, but truly willing to lose weight. Success is dependent on an unconscious winning attitude that pervades everything you do, whatever you do.
Hypnosis can assist you in developing a new self-image, allowing you to visualize yourself at your desired weight. Hypnosis can assist you in approaching your weight and weight-loss program in a more relaxed and stress-free manner. Hypnosis can help you increase your optimism, enthusiasm, and (most importantly) self-esteem for the task at hand. And hypnosis can help you experience some of the benefits of living at your ideal weight right now, in the present, even if you are still in your current body.
The key to having a successful experience with hypnosis for weight loss is understanding that hypnosis alone will not suffice. No amount of hypnosis can replace a well-balanced diet and an active lifestyle that includes a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Nothing can replace these cornerstones of maintaining a healthy weight, but hypnotherapy can make adopting these new habits easier and more pleasurable, as it can put you in the right frame of mind to reap the benefits of everything you do to achieve your weight loss goals.
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